Saturday, 11 January 2014

DIY Cocoa Butter Milk Bath

Continuing on with my obsession with DIY beauty treatments; and also because I have ridiculous amounts cocoa butter left, I give you: Cocoa Butter Milk Bath! Cleopatra was notorious for bathing in milk and apparently, so is Charlize Theron. Great company to keep if your ask me. Milk baths are great for dry skin as the lactic acid helps to loosen the proteins binding together the dead skin cells and this makes it easier to exfoliate them away. The cocoa butter helps to moisturise your skin (I've talked about how awesome cocoa butter is before so don't worry, I won't go on about it.) and not to mention, it smells delicious! This DIY is as simple as grating some cocoa butter, mixing it with some powdered milk and cornstarch and... that's it. That was quite anticlimactic actually. Read on for the recipe.

 Here are my ingredients: in the red bowl is some cornstarch; this stops your milk bath from clumping together. In the aqua bowl is the cocoa butter; my cocoa butter was in the form of melting chips so I threw them in the freezer for a couple of minutes before I grated them finely on a microplane. Finally, in the blue bowl, is some dried milk powder which quite obviously makes this a milk bath. Duh!
As promised, you just throw everything in a bowl...
...mix it together...
...and that's it! Chuck it in an airtight jar and it should keep for a couple of months at least. This amount is probably good for 2 or 3 baths, depending on how much you decide to use. 
DIY Cocoa Butter Milk Bath Recipe

Makes 2 cups

50g cocoa butter, finely grated
1/4 cup cornstarch
1 1/4 cups powdered milk 

  1. Mix together your ingredients in a large bowl until well combined.
  2. Transfer to an airtight jar.
  3. Give yourself a pat on the back for all your hard work.
  4. Draw yourself a hot bath and try out your new milk bath!

Just in case you were curious, this is what the milk bath looks like mixed with warm water. The yellow blobs on the surface is the melted cocoa butter and are totally normal. Cocoa butter melts at body temperature so unless you're a freak who takes cold baths, this milk bath should work for you, no problem! I use just under a cup for a regular sized bathtub; if you're rolling deep and have a pimp bathtub, you may need to use more.

Over and out!


  1. Replies
    1. All The Little Extras: Diy Cocoa Butter Milk Bath >>>>> Download Now

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  2. Sounds nice, but my concern would be the coco butter eventually clogging up the drain. I probably would substitute it with something else.

    1. The cocoa butter in each bathtub's worth is around 20g which only equals about 1 tablespoon, so unless you're milk bathing it everyday it'll be a looooong time before it builds up enough to clog anything. Also it's liquid as it goes down the drain so I'm personally not too worried about any clogging issues but if that's a concern for you then definitely swap it out for a few drops of your favourite essential oil in the milk bath mixture and maybe a squirt of some bath oil once the milk bath is dissolved in the water. Let me know if you try out or find any alternatives!

  3. Thank you for sharing the information.

    Getting a beautiful, soft and glow skin has now become very easy as now a days, different types of beauty treatment and cosmetics are available in the market who are providing the service of soap making supplies and are also providing the materials like coco butter, essential oils which is helping to get the skin soft and smooth.

    While surfing on internet, I came across a site named as Camden Grey who is providing deodorized cocoa butter which is totally unscented and is used in different types of cosmetics.

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