
Thursday 17 October 2013

Review: Miss Kitty's Saloon

Last night my friend A and I ventured out to the wilds of Inglewood for a long overdue catch up and to check out the western themed restaurant du jour; Miss Kitty's Saloon. The restaurant is about 10-15 minutes out of the city and there's a parking lot behind the complex as well as lots of street parking. The menu is quite small and features a LOT of pork and deep fried decadence. It is a Canadian/American inspired bar so when in Rome... order the Chilli Cheese Fries! The menu had quite a few tapas-esque dishes to encourage sharing so that's exactly what we did!

 Whenever I see cheese fries on a menu I immediately think of Regina George ("Whatever, I'm getting cheese fries!). As she is my spirit animal, I felt obliged to order these. The fries were piping hot and very crisp. I'm assuming they were made in house as they had that skin on, rustic sort of look about them. The chilli was good but definitely had a bit of an after burn! This dish is super indulgent so definitely split these with a friend.
Next up, we had the Tamarind Charcoal Pork Ribs. These were very moreish and finger lickin' good. To be honest, I couldn't really taste the tamarind but the smokey barbecue flavour was good enough for me! They were served with yoghurt which I thought was a bit weird. If they were spicier, I think the yoghurt would have worked better. 
Last of all, as a respite from all the richness we shared a tomato and ricotta salad. It had kalamata olives, chickpeas and what I think was watercress. It was really only okay. The tomatoes were gorgeous but I found that it was a bit bland for me. That being said, I do prefer my salads to have quite tangy, salty dressings.

All in all, Miss Kitty's was worth the trip out to Inglewood. The service was great; very attentive and the atmosphere was good despite being a quiet Wednesday night. If you're looking for an easy going place with an excellent beer/wine list and food you can pick at while you shoot the breeze, then this is the place for you! I hear they do a roaring trade in weekend brunches as well so that might be worth a look too. Word to the wise though; this isn't really the place if you're starving an expecting a U.S.A. worthy super-sized meal. 

Miss Kitty's Saloon on Urbanspoon
Over and out!

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